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Castto - The best Screen Mirroring App that offers the perfect, uninterrupted mirroring from your phone to your TV!

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Available On All Your Devices

Castto works like a charm for all Android devices and versions. Simply download the app from Google Play, launch in seconds, and you’re ready to supersize your content!

Available On All Android Devices From 4.0
Castto Connecting To TV
Castto List Of TVs

Cast your Phone Screen to a TV

Castto is the best free wireless display app developed for android users, You can easily mirror your phone to a TV after following simple steps. It can be used to cast music, video, play games, and show off your photos on a big screen.

Easy To Use 

This smart mirroring app has a simple and easy to use interface. Simply make sure that the device you want to cast on to is connected to the same Wifi network as your phone and you are ready to go!

Completely Wireless

Getting set up is easy and completely wireless, without having to spend thousands on a device that supports screen mirroring or spend your life squinting.

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